Don’t Come in Here
Looking for an inexpensive live/work space, an anonymous character settles on a supernatural apartment that has a seemingly unlimited number of identical rooms and manifests distracting illusions and other psychological hurdles. The story unfolds in vignettes that voyeuristically document the character’s domestic activities in an increasingly disorienting environment.
ISBN: 978-1-927668-28-3
5½ x 7, 264 pages, b&w, trade paper
May 2016
Koyama Press
Out of Print
Édition française disponible chez Frémok
Looking for an inexpensive live/work space, an anonymous character settles on a supernatural apartment that has a seemingly unlimited number of identical rooms and manifests distracting illusions and other psychological hurdles. The story unfolds in vignettes that voyeuristically document the character’s domestic activities in an increasingly disorienting environment.
ISBN: 978-1-927668-28-3
5½ x 7, 264 pages, b&w, trade paper
May 2016
Koyama Press
Out of Print
Édition française disponible chez Frémok